Build-For-Rent: Why ESG Is So Important For Institutional Investment Acquisitions
ESG initiatives have risen to the forefront of how consumers and SFR rental home investors evaluate possible business investments.
Build-For-Rent: Why ESG Is So Important For Institutional Investment Acquisitions
Houston ranks third on list of U.S. cities with the most 'build-to-rent' construction
With Billions Invested, Build-To-Rent Brings Changes to Apartment Industry
Oklahoma City wants to steal New York's thunder with new tallest skyscraper in US
The Rise of Build-to-Rent Homes in the DFW Housing Market
Tips on Designing Build-to-Rent Projects
Build-for-rent is a bet on the ‘new normal’ housing market
Regulations Account For 40% Of Multifamily Development Costs
Industrial, Apartment, SFR Developers Fuel Hot Land Sales Market
Multifamily Resident Needs Have Changed: Here's How Developers Are Adapting